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Bed & Breakfast Storybook Wedding

Location: Palmetto, FL

Venue: Palmetto Bed and Breakfast (both ceremony and reception)

Season: February 2016

Event Vendors:Caterer - Hickory Hollow

Photographer - Everence Photography

Cake - Kimberly Keech

Florals - DIY

DJ - Dave Deego

The details of this wedding is every planner (and photographers) dream. The bride put so much thought into how she wanted her wedding to look and most of the decor was DIY.​Sometimes we learn that the weather doesn't care what is going on in the world - it will rain all day if it wants too.

On this wedding day, it was supposed to rain but only in the late evening....well, we all know how finicky Florida's weather can be, and it decided to rain all-day-long! Thankfully a Plan B had already been put into play and so instead of using the beautiful front lawn area overlooking the Manatee River, we were forced to have the ceremony and reception under the tent. Again, thankfully, we had that as an option and because of all of the cute decor, we didn't skip a beat on continuing to make this a stunning wedding!

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