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Flawless Fall Wedding - Sadge & Mike

Location: Bradenton, FL

Venue: Chaslin Farms (both ceremony and reception) Season: November 2015

Event Vendors Florals - 5 Brides, Rachel Berube Photographer - My Union House - Jenn Soos Lighting & Rentals - Us Tent Rental Catering - Hickory Hollow

Cake - Family member

DJ - My DJ Entertainment

Prior to finding this enchanting venue, this Bride went through a nightmare with her previous venue site. I am a true believer that "things happen for a reason" and thankfully she ended up at Chaslin Farms. This stunning horse farm was surrounded by mature Oak Tree's and the horse barn anchored as the center of the entire reception. Everything was picture-perfect for this wedding. The weather was in the mid 70's (which is a true blessing for Florida, in November), the bride was absolutely stunning and all of the decor and attention to detail was cleverly thought out. Not to mention, the owner of the venue is every planners dream, so helpful and accommodating.

I am pretty confident in saying that I can speak for the bride and groom when I say that this wedding was absolutely perfect!!!

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